Dog breed guide for miniature pinschers, mini pinscher info, description and min pin pictures, small dog care, miniature pinscher temperament, handling and training small dog breeds, toy dogs, zwergpinscher.
View Mini Pinscher Dog Color Background. The miniature pinscher, also known as the zwergpinscher, and min pin, is a small breed of dog of the pinscher type originating from germany. The min pin can have either cropped or uncropped ears and a docked tail.
With their breeder, waiting for you! Can a black/tan mini pinscher have white fur on its feet? When my boyfriend and i went to the breeder here in gatineau, we had the choice between the black and rust, harlequin or chocolate colored.
Get your min pin, mini pinscher, or pinscher today!
Stag red (red with some black hairs); #dogs #puppy #mini pinscher #miniature pinscher #guard dog. He naturally is well groomed, proud, vigorous and alert. The miniature pinscher is athletic, spirited, and among the most energetic dogs.